Texas – Soundproofing Products for Gas, Oil, Drilling, and Construction Projects
eNoise Control has successfully serviced companies in the State of Texas for noise control projects ranging from the oil industry, gas, horizontal drilling, drill rigs, and other industrial related projects. We offer noise abatement equipment to lower your noise levels. Clients have implemented our sound walls, sound blankets, noise enclosures, and many other noise abatement equipment.
Sound Curtains
Sound Curtains offer maximum sound control and noise reduction using a combination of sound absorption and noise barrier material. Clients refer to our product as sound curtains, noise curtains, sound blankets, or hanging quilt blanket. The blankets make effective soundproofing for many projects.
Sound Enclosures
Our deadening steel sound enclosures are highly effective at noise control or industrial and mechanical equipment. Our acoustic steel enclosures are engineered for high noise control while allowing for easy access for both ventilation and maintenance. Custom engineered steel enclosures are a workable solution to your noisy industrial equipment project.
Acoustic Consulting
eNoise Control provides a full range of acoustical consulting and noise engineering services. As your acoustical consultant, we can provide professional engineering services including a sound survey, acoustic engineer, sound measurements, noise analysis, feasibility studies, and expert witness testimony. We travel and can be on-site to Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio to perform sound measurements for your application.
Drill Rigs/Pump Well Soundproofing
Acoustic enclosures or sound barriers are a common solution for the noise reduction of drill rigs, horizontal drills, and well pumps. Depending on the current sound levels of the pump motors and your noise reduction goals, an abatement solution can be determined. In most applications, a Deep Well Pump Sound Enclosure will meet your sound reduction needs. Sound partition screens and sound walls offer noise abatement solutions for your gas, oil, generator, and pump projects.