Gas Engine Power Plant Fan Noise Abatement
There are several high noise producing machines in a gas and steam driven power plant that delivers energy. eNoise Control is very familiar with these noise sources and how to handle them.
Common Noise Sources:
- Forced Draft (FD Fan)
- Primary Air (PA Fan)
- Induced Draft (ID Fan)
Gas Engines:
- Hyundai Heavy Industries
- Rolls Royce with Bergen-Engines AS
- Kawasaki Heavy Industries
- MTU Friedrichshafen
- GE Jenbacher
- Caterpillar Perkins Engines
- Cummins
- Wartsila
- GE Energy Waukesha
- Gauscor Power
- Deutz
- Fairbanks Morse
- Doosan
- Yanmar
- Turbines
- Generators
- Steam discharge
- Pumps
- Exhaust stack
We can work with your engineering team to provide noise abatement options for these noise sources above. Techniques could involve sound barriers, acoustic silencers, engine mufflers, sound enclosures, and other noise mitigation products. Our experience has taken us all across the United States, Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Mexico, and other remote islands where diesel gas engines are used to power the turbine or generator and delivery electric power to the surrounding community and resorts. We have worked with utility companies that generate, transmit, and distribute energy to remote areas of tourist inhabited areas of island and beach resorts.
Call eNoise Control at 888-213-4711 for help with your power plant noise problems.