Cement Plant Noise Control and Soundproofing
There are several articles, white papers, and guidelines published concerning MSHA noise regulations for cement plants. Hygienists, safety personnel, miners, employees, and managers should become familiar with these guidelines as published by MSHA. A copy of the MSHA guidelines is available here.
The Mine Safety and Health Review Commission has ruled that noise control is feasible and should be implemented under the following circumstances:
- If the technology is achievable
- If the technology is economically available
- If it reduces noise exposure
eNoise Control can help you with your cement production soundproofing needs. We offer a variety of acoustical products and noise control equipment. Safety managers frequently ask us how to soundproof their compressor rooms, ball mill, crusher, grinding operation, hammer mill, screeners, and other equipment and machinery. This list of industrial equipment creates noise that can present challenges from noise control and operations standpoints. eNoise helps customers with the design of portable noise screens, sound partitions, sound blankets, barriers, and sound enclosures to help lower noise exposure to miners.
You may be able to lower the time weighted decibel level below 90, 85, or 80 dBA with your plant action levels. MSHA guidelines spell out options for your facility and feasible noise reduction goals. We can work with your on the acoustic design for your specific application.
Noise is a safety concern in any manufacturing facility. Long term exposure to high levels of noise can lead to hearing loss. Cement plant managers and industrial hygienists want to ensure a safe work environment and provide noise suppression technology, if feasible, in their Portland cement plant operation. eNoise offers acoustic consulting (“sound guy”) to come on-site to perform acoustic consulting services including sound measurement, noise assessment, and acoustic feasibility reports. We can look at your overall noisiest areas, including stone crusher, milling, kiln, cement conveyor, compressor rooms, and more and offer techniques to lower sound levels, sound suppression, and noise damping.